I hereby agree to the storage of my data as well as the transfer of data to third parties associated with concerts, master classes, etc. (organizers, teaching institutions, travel agencies, etc.).
KISA Culture & Management UG (hb) conveys as management Agency of the artist / professor etc. and engages the artist/ professor etc. on behalf of and for the account of the responsible organizer of the individual projects etc. KISA Culture & Management UG (hb) does not take any responsibility for the offers and changes of all partners, artists, professors, local concert- and masterclass organizers, festivals, projects etc., nor of any changes, cancellations or mistakes. All partners are responsible and reliable for their own offers. The right to make all changes is reserved.
The payments of tax on the fee and fringe benefits as well as any statutory social insurance contributions shall be made directly by the Artist / Professor/ Local Organizer himself. The Agency is subject to a duty of disclosure to the tax authorities.
Should the Local Organizer etc. not fulfill his payment obligations in due time, the Artist / Professor etc. has the right of assignment of his claim, in the entitled amount.